sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2008


É triste quando perdemos alguém importante, alguém a quem nos é caro.
Mais difícil ainda é quando se é um parente próximo, um grande amigo, namorado, marido.
Por isso as vezes é tão difícil quando percebemos que nossos ídolos são pessoas como nós, feitos de carne e osso, que eles sentem dores, ficam tristes, choram.
Acostumamos a ver nossos ídolos como seres inumanos, seres que estão além das mazelas do mundo.
Este é i meu adeus à você Heath Ledger, que Deus abra os braços para você, pois não só a sua família sentirá falta de você, mas os milhóes de fãs que você deixou pelo mundo inteiro.

Sua História: Heath Ledger
Name: Heathcliff Andrew Ledger
Born: 04-Apr-1979
Birthplace: Perth, Australia
Died: 22-Jan-2008
Location of death: New York City
Cause of death: Accident - Overdose

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Actor
Nationality: Australia
Executive summary: Brokeback Mountain
Heath Ledger always enjoyed acting in school plays, and was usually cast in the lead. At the age of 10 he volunteered with a local theater company, and at 16 he landed his first professional role in Blackrock, a dead-serious Australian movie about rape and its aftermath. At 17 he played a gay cyclist on Sweat, a down-under TV series about elite athletes. He said he wanted that role because there were so few gays on television, he figured he could get some attention if he did the role justice. And he did. On the strength of Sweat, he was offered Roar, an action-adventure series for America's Fox TV in 1997, with a pre-Felicity Keri Russell as the princess who loved him. True to the show's title, Ledger, playing a fifth-century Celtic prince seeking vengeance for his brother's murder, would roar before going into battle, but the show went out with a whimper in less than two months.
He was still virtually unknown in America when he played a young lad with a shady past in 10 Things I Hate About You, but established himself as a rising star swashbuckling in A Knight's Tale. In Monster's Ball he played Billy Bob Thornton's vomiting, suicidal son, and in Brokeback Mountain he played the manly ranch hand who herds sheep with Jake Gyllenhaal. He met Michelle Williams on the set of Brokeback Mountain, and they lived together in Brooklyn for about two years, separating just months before Ledger's death. Gyllenhaal is their daughter's godfather.

Father: Kim Ledger (mining engineer)
Mother: Sally Bell (divorced Kim Ledger 1989)
Father: Roger Bell (stepfather, married to Ledger's mother)
Mother: Emma Brown (stepmother, married to Ledger's father)
Sister: Catherine Ledger (stage actress)
Sister: Olivia Ledger (half-sister, b. circa 1997)
Sister: Ashleigh Bell (half-sister, b. circa 1989)
Girlfriend: Lisa Zane (actress, dated 1997-98)
Girlfriend: Christina Cauchi (model, dated 2000, 2001)
Girlfriend: Heather Graham (actress, dated 2000 to 2001)
Girlfriend: Naomi Watts (actress, dated 2002 to 2004)
Girlfriend: Michelle Williams (actress, cohabited and engaged 2005-07, one daughter)
Daughter: Matilda Rose Ledger (b. 28-Oct-2005, with Williams)
Girlfriend: Mary-Kate Olsen (actress, dated 2007-08)

High School: Guildford Grammar School, East Guildford, Australia
Autopsy Risk Factors: Smoking, Marijuana
TELEVISION Roar Conor (1997-2000)

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